Creating study space at home

Creating study space at home

An important part of modern family life is that our homes have dedicated space to work online and study schoolwork. Research has proven that children and teens who are given a dedicated, organised space to study will find learning easier - and trial by fire has shown that adults working from home need a quiet space to be productive... and stay sane!

A study space at home is ideal for teenagers to prep for exams, for younger children to do their homework, and often for adults to work remotely.

Every home has space for a home office - if you know where to look. It's important to think about who will use the workspace, whether they need peace and quiet - or need access to a supervising adult for support and guidance.

Ask Queen B about your study space or home office ideas. We can provide advice on where to set up your workspace, how to best organise the space to suit the people who will use it, and we can organise builders and painters if redecorating is required. 

Study Cubby & Home office Inspiration

We've curated a selection of examples from under-the-stairs study cubbies to a teenager's dream workstation and more standard home office designs.